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Does Infidelity Always Lead To Divorce?
An often-cited statistic suggests that around half of all marriages in the U.S. end in divorce. The most current numbers do, in fact, show that over 40% of first marriages end in such an outcome, with second and third marriages being even more likely to fail.
Infidelity is one of the main reasons people divorce, but that doesn’t mean a divorce is imminent if you or your spouse has been unfaithful.
Facing the Betrayal
Being compelled to file for divorce is a natural first reaction to learning of your spouse’s adultery. The initial pain and bewilderment that follows such a revelation can lead to emotional overload. And even as the intensity of the situation decreases, you may still wonder whether your marriage can be saved.
Infidelity can ruin the best relationships, but some couples do recover. The worst mistake may be to let the opinions or judgments of others make decisions for you. With counseling and support, it may be possible to repair your marriage and build an even stronger bond in the process.
When Can a Marriage Be Saved?
The decision to end a marriage is, of course, up to you and your spouse. While a Gallup poll reveals that the majority of people say that they would leave if their partner cheated, some research has found that the majority of marriages do, in fact, continue after an affair.
Ultimately, your decision will likely depend on several other factors besides a single incidence of unfaithfulness, including the following:
Your Partner’s History
If your partner was unfaithful before marriage or was so in a previous relationship, the chances are high that they will probably cheat again. With a strong dedication to self-growth, people can certainly change, but if fidelity is important to you, being married to someone with a history of cheating may leave you feeling uncomfortable.
The Overall Quality of Your Relationship
If your relationship was fulfilling, respectful, and loving before your partner was unfaithful, it may be worth putting in the work to save it. However, if your marriage was never much of a happy one to begin with, it may be unrealistic to think it could improve after discovering an act of infidelity.
Your Emotional Commitment
If your feelings after your partner’s infidelity are best described as apathetic, there may not be anything left to salvage. However, if you still love the person you know your spouse to be and you both believe that they can heal the vulnerabilities that led them to cheat in the first place, divorce may not be necessary.
Your Partner Is Sincerely Regretful
People make mistakes for many different reasons. Your partner’s infidelity could be related to a substance use issue or bouts of poor self-esteem. Individuals struggling with trauma, impulse control, or sexual identity issues may be easier to forgive than spouses who simply don’t care about hurting their partners.
If your spouse is genuinely sorry for their actions and willing to do the work needed to heal your marriage, it might be best to give them a second chance.
Getting Legal Help After Experiencing Infidelity
Should you decide that it’s time to move on, consult with an experienced divorce lawyer. In all cases of divorce, and especially in those where infidelity is involved, communication can become difficult.
When infidelity leads to divorce, your most important job is to take care of yourself and your peace of mind. You have already been through enough emotional turmoil. Let your attorney work out issues like child custody and spousal support.
Contact Our Divorce Law Firm in Orlando, FL
Contact the experienced Orlando divorce lawyers at McMichen, Cinami & Demps today for legal assistance. Contact our Orlando, FL office at (407) 898-2161 to schedule a free consultation.
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