After a divorce, parents have many decisions to make. The biggest decision, and the most emotional, is the issue of child custody. In the past, Florida courts automatically favored the mother in custody disputes. Known as the “tender years” doctrine, the suitability of the parent was based on their gender alone and not the appropriateness… read more
When an individual becomes a parent, the birth of their child automatically triggers certain rights and responsibilities under state law. Known collectively as parental rights, the parents have rights such as the right to be a part of their child’s life and make important decisions about their care. As a parent, this also means having… read more
As tough as your divorce is on you, it is even tougher on your children. Especially for young children who may not fully understand what is happening, seeing one of their parents move out and then adjusting to a schedule where they spend time with mom and dad separately can easily be the greatest challenge… read more
A common inquiry among divorcing parents is that of favoritism – specifically, whether or not the courts favor the mother over the father in custody disputes. While from a statistical standpoint it would appear mothers win more custody battles than fathers, a custody outcome typically has little to do with the gender of the parent…. read more
Parting time is, perhaps, the most emotionally stressful part in the life of a child whose parents are going through a divorce. Those young, innocent eyes watch as their parent’s love for each other falls apart. As difficult as it may be, ending your relationship with your spouse through divorce may be your best… read more
What’s the Difference Between Sole and Shared Custody?
After a divorce, parents have many decisions to make. The biggest decision, and the most emotional, is the issue of child custody. In the past, Florida courts automatically favored the mother in custody disputes. Known as the “tender years” doctrine, the suitability of the parent was based on their gender alone and not the appropriateness… read more
What Does It Mean To Terminate Your Parental Rights?
When an individual becomes a parent, the birth of their child automatically triggers certain rights and responsibilities under state law. Known collectively as parental rights, the parents have rights such as the right to be a part of their child’s life and make important decisions about their care. As a parent, this also means having… read more
Separation from the Kids – How You Can Make it Better
As tough as your divorce is on you, it is even tougher on your children. Especially for young children who may not fully understand what is happening, seeing one of their parents move out and then adjusting to a schedule where they spend time with mom and dad separately can easily be the greatest challenge… read more
Do Florida Family Courts Favor Mothers?
A common inquiry among divorcing parents is that of favoritism – specifically, whether or not the courts favor the mother over the father in custody disputes. While from a statistical standpoint it would appear mothers win more custody battles than fathers, a custody outcome typically has little to do with the gender of the parent…. read more
Factors Considered in Child Custody Cases
Parting time is, perhaps, the most emotionally stressful part in the life of a child whose parents are going through a divorce. Those young, innocent eyes watch as their parent’s love for each other falls apart. As difficult as it may be, ending your relationship with your spouse through divorce may be your best… read more