When Florida couples with children divorce, child support is a given outcome. But what is the average child support payment in the Sunshine State? The answer to that question: It’s difficult to know because the data is not publicly available. Across the United States, 4.1 million parents received child support in the form of cash… read more
A parent can apply for child support in Orlando by signing up for child support services through the Florida Department of Revenue. You do not need an attorney to sign up for these services. However, that does not mean you should not have an attorney to assist you. If you are dealing with a child… read more
Parents are legally obligated to support their children financially regardless of whether they remain a couple. Florida utilizes standard child support guidelines to calculate child support payments. You must pay court-ordered child support obligations in Florida. If you miss one court-ordered child support payment, it begins a collection process. The result could include jail time,… read more
In Florida, child support is based on standard child support guidelines. Several factors are used to calculate child support obligations. Both parents are responsible for the financial support of their children, even if they decide to divorce or never marry each other. In some cases, judges may deviate from Florida child support guidelines. Understanding how… read more
Navigating the world of child support can be like trying to find your way through a maze without a map. It’s filled with emotions and tricky turns that can cause tension between parents who might already struggle to communicate. It can feel frustrating and unfair when your ex decides not to pay the child support… read more
Parents in Florida have a legal responsibility to support their children financially. If the parents divorce or are not together, the custodial parent typically receives child support from the non-custodial parent. Child support payments are based on Florida’s Child Support Guidelines. Child support payments continue until they are modified or ended by the court. Typically,… read more
Domestic support payments could have tax implications. These payments include child support and alimony. Understanding when to include support payments as income for tax purposes is crucial for parents. Does Child Support Count as Income in Florida? The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) states that child support payments are not considered taxable income for the parent… read more
When it comes to family law arrangements in Florida, child support is an essential obligation that helps guarantee the financial well-being of children whose parents are separated, divorced, or unmarried. As such, child support laws exist to ensure that both parents fulfill their responsibility of care toward their children. That said, child support can be… read more
Florida law requires parents to be financially responsible for the care of their minor children who are not emancipated. Therefore, you are required to pay child support for your child if your child does not live with you. However, what happens when you share 50/50 custody of your child with your ex-partner? Are you required… read more
Yes. In fact, Florida law prohibits courts from not awarding any child support. As we’ll see, the annual income of the parents plays a big role in how much child support is awarded in each case. If two parents were to make the exact same salary and split custody of their child exactly 50/50, a… read more
How Much Is The Average Monthly Florida Child Support Payment?
When Florida couples with children divorce, child support is a given outcome. But what is the average child support payment in the Sunshine State? The answer to that question: It’s difficult to know because the data is not publicly available. Across the United States, 4.1 million parents received child support in the form of cash… read more
How To Apply for Child Support in Orlando, FL
A parent can apply for child support in Orlando by signing up for child support services through the Florida Department of Revenue. You do not need an attorney to sign up for these services. However, that does not mean you should not have an attorney to assist you. If you are dealing with a child… read more
What Happens if I Miss One Court-Ordered Child Support Payment in Orlando, FL?
Parents are legally obligated to support their children financially regardless of whether they remain a couple. Florida utilizes standard child support guidelines to calculate child support payments. You must pay court-ordered child support obligations in Florida. If you miss one court-ordered child support payment, it begins a collection process. The result could include jail time,… read more
Deviating From Florida Child Support Guidelines
In Florida, child support is based on standard child support guidelines. Several factors are used to calculate child support obligations. Both parents are responsible for the financial support of their children, even if they decide to divorce or never marry each other. In some cases, judges may deviate from Florida child support guidelines. Understanding how… read more
The Do’s and Don’ts of When Child Support Payments Stop in Florida
Navigating the world of child support can be like trying to find your way through a maze without a map. It’s filled with emotions and tricky turns that can cause tension between parents who might already struggle to communicate. It can feel frustrating and unfair when your ex decides not to pay the child support… read more
Is It Possible To Collect Child Support From a Deceased Parent in Orlando?
Parents in Florida have a legal responsibility to support their children financially. If the parents divorce or are not together, the custodial parent typically receives child support from the non-custodial parent. Child support payments are based on Florida’s Child Support Guidelines. Child support payments continue until they are modified or ended by the court. Typically,… read more
Is Child Support Considered Income in Orlando, FL?
Domestic support payments could have tax implications. These payments include child support and alimony. Understanding when to include support payments as income for tax purposes is crucial for parents. Does Child Support Count as Income in Florida? The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) states that child support payments are not considered taxable income for the parent… read more
What Does Child Support Cover in Orlando, FL?
When it comes to family law arrangements in Florida, child support is an essential obligation that helps guarantee the financial well-being of children whose parents are separated, divorced, or unmarried. As such, child support laws exist to ensure that both parents fulfill their responsibility of care toward their children. That said, child support can be… read more
Why Do I Have To Pay Child Support if I Share 50/50 Custody?
Florida law requires parents to be financially responsible for the care of their minor children who are not emancipated. Therefore, you are required to pay child support for your child if your child does not live with you. However, what happens when you share 50/50 custody of your child with your ex-partner? Are you required… read more
Is Child Support Awarded When Both Parents Share Custody 50/50 in Florida?
Yes. In fact, Florida law prohibits courts from not awarding any child support. As we’ll see, the annual income of the parents plays a big role in how much child support is awarded in each case. If two parents were to make the exact same salary and split custody of their child exactly 50/50, a… read more