Having the support, guidance, and legal advice of an experienced Orlando divorce lawyer can make the divorce process less stressful. Hiring a divorce attorney can also help you protect your rights in the divorce proceeding. Are you contemplating a divorce, or have you been served with divorce papers? What do you need to know before… read more
Many issues may be challenging when spouses decide to divorce. One of the toughest decisions could be who gets to remain in the marital home during a divorce. In most cases, spouses who decide to divorce find it impossible to continue living together. However, what happens when a spouse refuses to move out during a… read more
Going through a divorce is tough, no matter the circumstances. Whether you’re the one initiating the divorce or you’re on the receiving end, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and lost during such a trying time. However, it’s important to remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Once you finalize your divorce,… read more
Divorced men often experience a difficult and complex journey through the stages of grief as they come to terms with their new reality. These stages can be deeply emotional and challenging as men struggle to adjust to their new lives without the support and companionship of their spouses. At the outset, many divorced men may… read more
Maybe. While you can’t undo a divorce that’s already been finalized, you may be able to pause or stop divorce proceedings up until that point. If you’ve been served with divorce papers, you have limited time to file a response. If you want to stop the divorce, an experienced family law attorney can help. In… read more
Florida is a no-fault state for divorces. You can obtain a dissolution of marriage (divorce) for no reason other than not wanting to be married. In other words, your marriage is “irretrievably broken.” Many uncontested divorces can be obtained in just a few months. However, some individuals want to declare that the marriage never existed…. read more
Deciding to get a divorce is hard enough. It’s even more difficult if your spouse is trying to throw a wrench in your plans. Not signing divorce papers may delay your divorce proceedings, but it won’t stop them. You have options to get a divorce even if your spouse refuses to sign the divorce papers… read more
In Orlando, Florida, you have many options for divorce. When you and your spouse agree on all terms, that’s an uncontested dissolution. If your spouse is unresponsive to pleadings or is unwilling to participate in the legal proceedings, you might be able to get a default divorce. Either way, you’re likely to need help from… read more
Getting a divorce in Orlando, Florida, is always an emotional process. There are many considerations to be made, including your date of separation. Florida does not recognize legal separations like other states. Nevertheless, the date of your separation will play an important role in your divorce. Speak with a trusted Orlando divorce lawyer to get… read more
The divorce process in Florida is known as the dissolution of marriage. It is the legal process to end your marriage. You can file for a simplified dissolution of marriage or a regular dissolution of marriage. A simplified dissolution of marriage is limited to couples who do not have minor children, are not seeking spousal… read more
How to Hire an Orlando Divorce Lawyer?
Having the support, guidance, and legal advice of an experienced Orlando divorce lawyer can make the divorce process less stressful. Hiring a divorce attorney can also help you protect your rights in the divorce proceeding. Are you contemplating a divorce, or have you been served with divorce papers? What do you need to know before… read more
What To Do When a Spouse Refuses To Move Out During a Divorce in Orlando, FL?
Many issues may be challenging when spouses decide to divorce. One of the toughest decisions could be who gets to remain in the marital home during a divorce. In most cases, spouses who decide to divorce find it impossible to continue living together. However, what happens when a spouse refuses to move out during a… read more
When Is a Divorce Finalized, and What Does That Mean?
Going through a divorce is tough, no matter the circumstances. Whether you’re the one initiating the divorce or you’re on the receiving end, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and lost during such a trying time. However, it’s important to remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Once you finalize your divorce,… read more
7 Stages of Grief for Divorced Men
Divorced men often experience a difficult and complex journey through the stages of grief as they come to terms with their new reality. These stages can be deeply emotional and challenging as men struggle to adjust to their new lives without the support and companionship of their spouses. At the outset, many divorced men may… read more
Can I Stop a Divorce in Orlando if the Paperwork Has Already Been Filed?
Maybe. While you can’t undo a divorce that’s already been finalized, you may be able to pause or stop divorce proceedings up until that point. If you’ve been served with divorce papers, you have limited time to file a response. If you want to stop the divorce, an experienced family law attorney can help. In… read more
Does Your Marriage Qualify for an Annulment in Florida?
Florida is a no-fault state for divorces. You can obtain a dissolution of marriage (divorce) for no reason other than not wanting to be married. In other words, your marriage is “irretrievably broken.” Many uncontested divorces can be obtained in just a few months. However, some individuals want to declare that the marriage never existed…. read more
What Happens if a Spouse Refuses to Sign the Divorce Papers in Orlando, FL?
Deciding to get a divorce is hard enough. It’s even more difficult if your spouse is trying to throw a wrench in your plans. Not signing divorce papers may delay your divorce proceedings, but it won’t stop them. You have options to get a divorce even if your spouse refuses to sign the divorce papers… read more
What is a Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution?
In Orlando, Florida, you have many options for divorce. When you and your spouse agree on all terms, that’s an uncontested dissolution. If your spouse is unresponsive to pleadings or is unwilling to participate in the legal proceedings, you might be able to get a default divorce. Either way, you’re likely to need help from… read more
What Is a Date of Separation?
Getting a divorce in Orlando, Florida, is always an emotional process. There are many considerations to be made, including your date of separation. Florida does not recognize legal separations like other states. Nevertheless, the date of your separation will play an important role in your divorce. Speak with a trusted Orlando divorce lawyer to get… read more
The Steps of the Divorce Process
The divorce process in Florida is known as the dissolution of marriage. It is the legal process to end your marriage. You can file for a simplified dissolution of marriage or a regular dissolution of marriage. A simplified dissolution of marriage is limited to couples who do not have minor children, are not seeking spousal… read more