Unfortunately, domestic violence is a fact of life that some people need legal help to deal with. In Florida, a domestic violence injunction is a type of restraining order. The Orlando justice system offers two types of domestic violence injunctions–temporary orders and permanent orders. Consequently, two types of hearings are available–ex parte hearings and full… read more
Laws that protect people from domestic violence and help victims are incredibly important. The expansion of women’s rights and the growing tendency to believe the victims of domestic abuse are both extremely socially beneficial and important. Unfortunately, some people try to use false allegations of domestic violence for their own selfish ends. People who do… read more
Florida is a no-fault state for divorce actions. Spouses can obtain a divorce because the marriage is “irretrievably broken” without having any other grounds for divorce. However, there are some cases in which a divorce is initiated because of martial wrongdoing. Abuse is a common reason for divorce. Unfortunately, the abuse may continue even after… read more
If you are being threatened or physically or sexually abused, you might decide that it’s time to get a divorce. It’s important to understand that you have the right to be protected from continued abuse. In Florida, you may file what is known as an “injunction,” which is an important step towards preventing someone from… read more
There are many reasons people decide to get divorced. Domestic violence is at the top of the list. If you’ve been physically, sexually, or emotionally abused by your spouse, a divorce can help you escape and live without fear. Even though Florida is a no-fault divorce state, the fact that you’ve been abused can be… read more
It is seen in some cases of domestic violence that the claim made is entirely false. An accuser may make a false claim in order to harm a person’s standing regarding child custody. If you feel like you have been wrongly accused of domestic violence, it is important that you contact a domestic violence attorney… read more
Florida’s legal system is very quick to act with accusations of Orlando domestic violence. In fact, even just the fear of violence can be enough to cause the legal system to respond—actual physical contact does not have to occur.
What To Expect at a Domestic Violence Injunction Hearing
Unfortunately, domestic violence is a fact of life that some people need legal help to deal with. In Florida, a domestic violence injunction is a type of restraining order. The Orlando justice system offers two types of domestic violence injunctions–temporary orders and permanent orders. Consequently, two types of hearings are available–ex parte hearings and full… read more
False Domestic Violence Allegations: How You Can Avoid Wrongful Allegations
Laws that protect people from domestic violence and help victims are incredibly important. The expansion of women’s rights and the growing tendency to believe the victims of domestic abuse are both extremely socially beneficial and important. Unfortunately, some people try to use false allegations of domestic violence for their own selfish ends. People who do… read more
What to do if You’ve Been Emotionally Abused During Your Divorce
Florida is a no-fault state for divorce actions. Spouses can obtain a divorce because the marriage is “irretrievably broken” without having any other grounds for divorce. However, there are some cases in which a divorce is initiated because of martial wrongdoing. Abuse is a common reason for divorce. Unfortunately, the abuse may continue even after… read more
How to File a Restraining Order in Florida
If you are being threatened or physically or sexually abused, you might decide that it’s time to get a divorce. It’s important to understand that you have the right to be protected from continued abuse. In Florida, you may file what is known as an “injunction,” which is an important step towards preventing someone from… read more
How Domestic Violence Could Affect Your Divorce
There are many reasons people decide to get divorced. Domestic violence is at the top of the list. If you’ve been physically, sexually, or emotionally abused by your spouse, a divorce can help you escape and live without fear. Even though Florida is a no-fault divorce state, the fact that you’ve been abused can be… read more
False Domestic Violence Accusations
It is seen in some cases of domestic violence that the claim made is entirely false. An accuser may make a false claim in order to harm a person’s standing regarding child custody. If you feel like you have been wrongly accused of domestic violence, it is important that you contact a domestic violence attorney… read more
Orlando Domestic Violence
Florida’s legal system is very quick to act with accusations of Orlando domestic violence. In fact, even just the fear of violence can be enough to cause the legal system to respond—actual physical contact does not have to occur.