Social and cultural acceptance of marijuana has led to legalization in many states. Florida parents may wonder how parental drug use impacts child custody cases. But if a parent’s drug use is a problem, the child deserves protection. Addiction, dependence, problem use. Whatever you call it, when a parent’s substance abuse puts a child at… read more
If you have been blindsided by divorce papers, it can be natural to want to ignore them. Maybe if you ignore the problem it will go away. However, there are few things in life that work this way and divorce isn’t one of them. Contrary to what you may have heard or what you might… read more
Parents are strongly urged to work together to develop a time-sharing arrangement that is in the best interest of their child and their family. However, when parents cannot agree about child custody, a family court judge makes custody decisions for them. Child custody cases in Florida are based on the circumstances and specific facts of… read more
NOTE: Our law firm does not handle grandparents’ rights cases. This article is for informational purposes only. Information found in the article does not constitute as formal legal advice and does not create an attorney/client relationship. Studies show that grandparents can and do significantly contribute to the wellbeing of their grandchildren. Close relationships between grandchild… read more
One issue that often comes up in divorce proceedings is whether or not one spouse should have to regularly pay money to the other. There are many reasons one spouse might have to do this and there are many factors used to determine the amount of the (usually monthly) payment. The term for this concept… read more
In the state of Florida, divorce records, like other court records, are public documents and available to the general population. In order to obtain divorce records, all someone has to do is request them from the court clerk in the county where the divorce took place. Whether it was a divorce or annulment, there could… read more
There was a time when mothers received preference in child custody, especially in cases involving younger children. It was assumed that mothers were the primary caregivers, so the children should remain with their mothers. However, that is not the case any longer. Judges in Florida view parents as equals when they enter the court regarding… read more
Parents in Orlando and throughout Florida are faced with the decision whether they feel safe sending their children back to school during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not an easy decision for any parent. However, when the parents are divorced, it can complicate an already tense and emotional decision. Orlando Schools Reopening Amid the COVID-19… read more
Florida legislature enacted the Florida Child Support Guidelines, which courts follow when determining child support. Under the guidelines, each parent is responsible for the child’s financial support based on the Income Shares Model. According to the model, a child should receive the same portion of each parent’s income that they would have received if the… read more
When a couple divorces, they must address several issues. One issue that can cause quite a bit of frustration and anger is property division. Deciding which spouse should receive the property the couple has accumulated during the divorce can complicate an otherwise simple divorce. However, when you add an inheritance into the situation, property division… read more
How to Request a Drug Test in Your Child Custody Case
Social and cultural acceptance of marijuana has led to legalization in many states. Florida parents may wonder how parental drug use impacts child custody cases. But if a parent’s drug use is a problem, the child deserves protection. Addiction, dependence, problem use. Whatever you call it, when a parent’s substance abuse puts a child at… read more
What Happens if I Don’t Sign My Divorce Papers?
If you have been blindsided by divorce papers, it can be natural to want to ignore them. Maybe if you ignore the problem it will go away. However, there are few things in life that work this way and divorce isn’t one of them. Contrary to what you may have heard or what you might… read more
Florida Child Custody Guide and FAQ
Parents are strongly urged to work together to develop a time-sharing arrangement that is in the best interest of their child and their family. However, when parents cannot agree about child custody, a family court judge makes custody decisions for them. Child custody cases in Florida are based on the circumstances and specific facts of… read more
Grandparents’ Rights For Custody and Visitation in Florida
NOTE: Our law firm does not handle grandparents’ rights cases. This article is for informational purposes only. Information found in the article does not constitute as formal legal advice and does not create an attorney/client relationship. Studies show that grandparents can and do significantly contribute to the wellbeing of their grandchildren. Close relationships between grandchild… read more
What is the Difference Between Alimony and Spousal Support?
One issue that often comes up in divorce proceedings is whether or not one spouse should have to regularly pay money to the other. There are many reasons one spouse might have to do this and there are many factors used to determine the amount of the (usually monthly) payment. The term for this concept… read more
Are Divorce Records Public in Florida?
In the state of Florida, divorce records, like other court records, are public documents and available to the general population. In order to obtain divorce records, all someone has to do is request them from the court clerk in the county where the divorce took place. Whether it was a divorce or annulment, there could… read more
How a Mother Can Get Full Custody of Their Child in Florida
There was a time when mothers received preference in child custody, especially in cases involving younger children. It was assumed that mothers were the primary caregivers, so the children should remain with their mothers. However, that is not the case any longer. Judges in Florida view parents as equals when they enter the court regarding… read more
Divorced Parents in Orlando Are Facing Issues on Whether or Not to Send Kids Back to School
Parents in Orlando and throughout Florida are faced with the decision whether they feel safe sending their children back to school during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not an easy decision for any parent. However, when the parents are divorced, it can complicate an already tense and emotional decision. Orlando Schools Reopening Amid the COVID-19… read more
What Happens to Child Support If I Remarry?
Florida legislature enacted the Florida Child Support Guidelines, which courts follow when determining child support. Under the guidelines, each parent is responsible for the child’s financial support based on the Income Shares Model. According to the model, a child should receive the same portion of each parent’s income that they would have received if the… read more
Is My Spouse Entitled to My Inheritance After Divorce?
When a couple divorces, they must address several issues. One issue that can cause quite a bit of frustration and anger is property division. Deciding which spouse should receive the property the couple has accumulated during the divorce can complicate an otherwise simple divorce. However, when you add an inheritance into the situation, property division… read more